KISTERS QueryServices - Request Information

All commands are available as HTTP GET and POST (add ?kvp=true to URL!) with key-value-pair encoding.

Version: 1.10.8

Datasource Type: Merged

A merged datasource is a combined datasource to use multiple WDP datasources at once. Therefore all identifying fields will have the actual datasource ID as the first two digits added, e.g. station_id=123 might become station_id=05123 for source 5.
The following fields are affected: station_id, station_no, ts_id, catchment_id, catchment_no, stationgroup_id, timeseriesgroup_id, site_id, site_no, parametertype_id, tsinfo_type_id, stationparameter_id
All other fields will be handled globally. The affected fields are relevant for both filtering and the responses. You cannot use mutually exclusive filters. E.g. a request with station_id=01123&station_no=05123 will always return zero results. On the other hand a request with station_id=01123,05456 will return exactly two stations for getStationList. A request getTimeseriesList with the non enhanced field parametertype_name=Q will return all timeseries from all datasources that match this parameter.

getGroupListretrieves a list of object groups
getSiteListretrieves a list of sites with metadata
getStationListretrieves a list of stations with metadata
getParameterListretrieves a list of parameters available at sites and/or stations
getTimeseriesListretrieves a list of timeseries with metadata
getTimeseriesValuesretrieves timeseries data
getTimeseriesValueLayerretrieves timeseries data as layer
getGraphTemplateListretrieves a list of available graph templates
getGraphretrieves a graph image of timeseries data
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